The ageing workforce and the health effects of a sedentary lifestyle: implications for health professionals — YRD

The ageing workforce and the health effects of a sedentary lifestyle: implications for health professionals (361)

Martin Mackey 1
  1. The University of Sydney, Ageing Work and Health Research Unit

Purpose: The aim of this presentation is to highlight emergent occupational health issues related to an ageing workforce and an increasing prevalence of sedentary behaviour in working life, and to discuss the implications of these issues for health professional in their own lives, and in working with clients. 

Description: The ageing of the Australian workforce raises important questions concerning the maintenance of a good person-organization fit over a working-life.  Older workers have a higher rate and cost of injury and disease than younger workers.  It is also known that physical capacity declines with increasing age which is of major concern for workers engaged in physically demanding work.  Lower physical capacity with ageing may be partly due to lower levels of participation in physical activity and with increased sedentariness at work, at home, in transport and leisure.  Importantly, physical inactivity and sitting time are known to be independently associated with higher risk of chronic disease related morbidity and mortality, and as with the effects of ageing, are associated with declining work ability.

Implications: This presentation will provide valuable evidenced -based information and recommendations for health professionals regarding promotion of work ability in their own lives and in providing guidance regarding the health and well-being of their clients of working age.