The role of peer support over the telephone for doctors — YRD

The role of peer support over the telephone for doctors (14)

Kay Dunkley 1
  1. AMA Victoria, Parkvill, VIC, Australia
The AMA Victoria Peer Support Service was established in 2008. The service is provided by doctors for doctors and provides anonymous and confidential peer support over the telephone. The doctors who volunteer to take calls participate in training in crisis support and meet regularly for debriefing and ongoing training. The focus of the service is empowerment of callers rather than problem solving or treatment. Doctors using the service have a range of issues including stress, training concerns, workload, bullying and workplace conflict, legal and ethical concerns, mental health and substance misuse and personal concerns. Over 50% of the callers are in the early stages of their career and are participating in training programs. The service meets the needs of callers by providing a listening ear and support as well as provision of information and referral for further assistance. An analysis of the calls illustrates that the service meets the needs of doctors and in particular younger doctors who need to clarify their concerns and consider what steps to take to resolve an issue. The provision of an anonymous and confidential listening ear is a valuable support for doctors and for other health professionals.