Health Professionals: The Spiritual Journey. — YRD

Health Professionals: The Spiritual Journey. (37)

Mervyn M Lander 1
  1. Committee D.H.A.S. Qld, Aspley, Q'ld, Australia


As health professionals, we live a privileged life of service and care.; as well as being intimately associated with birth, life, suffering and death, we are also intimately involved in facing  the Big Questions of our own and others lives.

There are as many definitions of Spirituality as there are of those who speak of it; for many the word gains no traction.

A more encompassing word might be authenticity. Is my practice of healing in the everyday world of everyday life congruent with, and seamless with the essence of my being?

Authenticity challenges us to ask how we ourselves live the day by day journey of healing from our woundedness, brokenness, suffering and vulnerability to our wholeness and holiness (our authenticity).

An image from the Buddhist tradition is that of a bird in flight, with one wing representing wisdom (of our original nature/ God) and the other compassion. Both need to be in sync for is to function with loving kindness and compassion in the world in which we are socially engaged.

To look at the question from another perspective, “How does one’s rule of life, incorporate our professional practice”? or “ to what extent does our spirituality / authenticity incorporate mindfulness, presence and the now moment”? In these we glimpse our capacity to find meaning in life rather than the