Building a bridge takes the right materials — YRD

Building a bridge takes the right materials (68)

Pippa Wright 1
  1. Preventative Injury Planning Strategies P/L, Upwey, VIC, Australia
Objective: To explore initiatives using peer mentors to activate change and promote well being in the workplace. Methods: Peer mentors are the new army of change at the shop floor. Only they comprise Managers, Supervisors, Workers and Volunteers, all the same in the eyes of a peer. When building this army for the likes of transferring skills and messages of importance in anything from injury prevention to affecting a cultural change, there are many battles to be fought. Change managers or reekers of havoc will solely depend on the one’s we choose. In real estate we say Position, Position, Position, In building your peer mentor army its People, Personality and Perception, still the three P’s. Results: This discussion is an interactive one on the peaks and troughs of a self directed journey and the many lessons learned along the way in building a peer mentor army and through peer mentoring, actualising real change and wellbeing in the organisational culture. Conclusion: The above abstract is heavily loaded towards reducing injuries of MSD (Muscular skeletal disorders), incidents of assault from clients and promoting healthy work life balance through wellness initiatives in the workplace. This process has also been tested in several walks of general industry and many examples of “how to” will be discussed with statistical results backing the movement. The programs incorporate practical and theory learning styles mixed with tonnes of laughter and shedding of ones inhabitations, then we march!