POSITIVE HEALTH, RESILIENCE and PROFESSIONALISM: Creating Healthy Doctors and a Robust Health Economy — YRD

POSITIVE HEALTH, RESILIENCE and PROFESSIONALISM: Creating Healthy Doctors and a Robust Health Economy (136)

Marsha Snyder 1 2
  1. Center for Physician Success and Wellbeing, St. Luke's University Hospital, Bethlehem, PA, USA
  2. Creating Positive Health, Center Valley, PA., USA

Medical practice is challenging and stressful. Many doctors are unhappy with their professional lives. They are burned out, stressed out, and suffer other physical and emotional impairments. And the doctor only teaches to the patient what the doctor actively practices, so patients suffer, as well. This stress and burnout begins as early as the first year of medical training.
Although modern medicine is now focused on the prevention of disease and the understanding of the physiological and psychological thriving of human beings, very little educational focus is given to these key topics in the education of physicians.
Positive health, an outgrowth of the science of positive psychology, refers to health assets that exist above and beyond the mere absence of disease. These assets predict or enable flourishing and longevity. Health assets are individual factors that produce longer life, lower morbidity, lower healthcare expenditures, and improved prognosis and quality of life when illness does strike.
This workshop will describe how teaching a curriculum of positive health, resilience and professionalism to physicians can lead to healthier physicians and healthier patients, with an expected trickle-down effect of lower healthcare expenditures.