Healthcare Workers and Blood Borne Viruses, The Pointy End of the Business — YRD

Healthcare Workers and Blood Borne Viruses, The Pointy End of the Business (378)

Kathryne O'Brien 1
  1. aaa, Australia

Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at risk of occupational exposure to blood borne viruses (BBV) (including hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)) through exposure to blood, other body fluids or body tissues from an infected patient. The majority of occupational exposures can be prevented through an effective sharps safety program and hollow-bore needle safety program. This presentation will discuss the components necessary for an effective sharps safety program.

There is an expectation that HCWs protect the health and safety of their patients. This obligation includes preventing transmission of blood-borne viruses (BBVs) from themselves to their patients. This presentation will also cover the management of infected healthcare workers in relation to the National Guidelines. This presentation will also briefly discuss the minimum recommended procedures for the immediate assessment, management and follow-up of individuals who have sustained an occupational exposure.